La Garanzia sui Prodotti Ricondizionati: Tutto Quello che Devi Sapere
In questo articolo, vogliamo chiarire tutto ciò che riguarda la garanzia sui prodotti acquistati da Usatocomenuovo.
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La Rivoluzione dei QR Code: Il Futuro del Retail è Più Verde e Informativo
La sostituzione dei tradizionali codici a barre con i più avanzati QR code. Cosa significa realmente questo cambiamento per i rivenditori e i consumatori?
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Tecnologie Emergenti nel Retail: Come Prepararsi con Attrezzature Ricondizionate
Il settore retail sta vivendo una trasformazione radicale grazie all'avvento di nuove tecnologie.
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Circularity rate in Italy in 2023: great news for the environment
According to the latest data from Eurostat, the rate of circularity of materials in Italy in 2023 reached 20.8%.
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Behind the scenes of remanufacturing: a product’s journey from scrap to your business.
At Usatocomenuovo, we believe in transparency and quality . That's why we want to reveal the secrets of our reconditioning process.
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Semiconductor Crisis: An Immediate Solution
As always, when we talk about market crisis, the problem lies in the delicate balance between supply and demand . Basing their decisions on rough sales forecasts, production has led to a cut in the use of semiconductor materials.
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USB-KDB Barcode Reader Interface Setup: A Quick Guide
Configuring the USB-KDB interface of your barcode scanner is actually a very simple operation.
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Cleaning barcode readers: how to do it?
Cleaning barcode readers is an operation that must be performed with the utmost precision.
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